Adopted: Fiona

Quick Facts: Breed: American Bully Gender: Female, spayed Age: 2 years old Size: 40 pounds Good with… Dogs? Not when they get too close! Cats? No sorry! Kids? Yes, 12+ (not small child tested yet!) Hello! My name is Fiona and I am the sweetest little body builder you’ll ever meet! ***Fiona is not a CDR dog and has not been evaluated by CDR. This is a courtesy posting for Rainbow of Hope Animal Rescue (contact info: 607-562-8085 who will make all decisions about her adoptive placement. Please contact by above phone or email to apply to adopt. Fiona’s adoption fee is $275.00.*** History Fiona was surrendered from an owner who could not provide necessary veterinary care. She came into Cornell Emergency bleeding badly after being bred. She became very anemic and needed two blood transfusions and an emergency spay to save her life. A wonderful vet who treated…

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Adopted: Ebi

Quick Facts: Breed: Cairn Terrier mix? Gender: Female, spayed Age: 7-9 years old Size: 8 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Nope, sorry! Kids? Yes! 8+ Hi! My name is Ebi which rhymes with Debbie and means “shrimp” in Japanese! Haha, I am a little shrimp and as sweet, adorable, and cute as can be! History and Why I am Looking for a New Home In 2018 I was transported, along with my two nursing puppies, from a shelter in Kentucky to CDR, after being found as a stray. I was such a good mama to my pups that I gave all of my nutrition to them, leaving me painfully underweight. After my puppies were weaned and adopted, I got adopted to my wonderful current mom, gained back the weight I so sorely needed, and have been very happy with my mom for the past 4 years. I LOVE to…

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Adopted: Ollie

Quick Facts: Breed: English Shepherd (purebred) Gender: Male, neutered Age: 1 year old Size: 61 pounds Good with… Dogs? Many! Cats? Not sure…see below! Kids? Yes! 10+ (and if calm and respectful)! Hello! My name is Ollie, and I am the most handsome, smart and active dog! History I come from a farm in Central Wisconsin and was adopted by my current mom at 8 weeks old. We lived in an apartment in Chicago until September, when we moved to the Ithaca area. I love life! Personality I am a very sweet, smart and loyal dog! I love people and being in the middle of everything! I love to learn, and I am smart so I pick up new tricks very easily. I am also very affectionate and will come to you for pats and butt scratches all the time. I will basically plop down and show you my belly…

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Adopted: Belle

  Quick Facts: Breed: Siberian Husky Gender: Female Age: 6 months old Size: 25 pounds (adult size 35-50 pounds) Good with… Dogs? Yes!! Cats? Sorry, no! Kids? Yes! 12+ Hello! My name is Belle, and I am the cutest, most playful dog around! ***Belle is not a CDR dog but please fill out an application and it will be forwarded to her family!*** History I was born on October 7th, 2021 at a breeding facility. My current owner got me when I was just two months old! At first, I was really scared because I missed my mom and siblings but eventually I warmed up to my new home! I discovered my favorite food, which is salmon, and learned a few cool tricks! Personality I am a puppy who loves being around people of all different backgrounds! When sweet humans are around, I light up with excitement! I will howl…

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Adopted: Thunder

Quick Facts: Breed: Husky Gender: Male Age: 1.5 years old Size: 40 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes (young and large)! Cats? Unknown Kids? Yes! 12+ Hello! My name is Thunder (aka Mr. T) and I love people!! ***Thunder is not a CDR dog but please fill out an adoption application and it will be forwarded to his family!*** History I am on my third home, no fault of my own. My prior owners didn’t have time or money for me. I’m super gentle taking food from your hand and I don’t bite. My foster mom rescued me from a bad situation. Many days I would go to bed hungry and never get to go outside to play. I would sleep in my own feces and be left alone. Yelled at all the time. Sometimes my owners would hurt me, but now I know what love is with my foster mom…

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Adopted: Sadie

Quick Facts: Breed: Hound mix Gender: Female, spayed Age: 7.5 years old Size: 50 pounds Good with… Dogs? Maybe! See Cohabitation section! Cats? Probably not! Kids? Yes…12+ years! Hello! My name is Sadie and I am a sweet soulful girl! ***Sadie is not a CDR dog but please fill out an adoption application and it will be forwarded to her family!*** History I was found wandering the streets without a home back in 2016, and landed at the local SPCA. My current family adopted me from there, and I have been happy in their home with mom, dad, and 2 little kids since. Unfortunately, as the kids have gotten bigger and more rambunctious (they are now 3 and 6 years old), I have gotten a bit stressed and overly excited by their enthusiasm, and as I try to both join in, and police, their play, things have gotten a little…

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Adopted: Bo

Quick Facts: Breed: Bassett Hound/Black Lab mix Gender: Male, neutered Age: 11 years old Size: 41 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Unknown Kids? 12+ (I like a peaceful home setting) Bo is a super sweet, Hilarious little guy. History I lived with a man for the last 10 years of my life. Nothing bad happened to me there, but not much all that good either. Then my person got a girlfriend and she didn’t like dogs, so my person took me to a high kill shelter in KY where he lived. Super scary and awful for me. Luckily, a wonderful KY rescue person reached out on my behalf to Cayuga Dog Rescue, and put me in a temp foster home until they could have me driven by a team of volunteers up to central NY to join their foster program. I was really unsure and shy when I arrived,…

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Adopted: Otis

Quick Facts: Breed: Shepard/Husky mix Gender: Male Age: 7 years old Size: 75 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! (But I have little patience with puppies) Cats? Sorry, no! Kids? 6+ years Hello! My name is Otis and I am a devoted companion and a loveable goofball! History I am a rescue pup from the Tompkins County SPCA. I was adopted by my current family when I was 10 weeks old.. I’ve been in the same loving home since then. Personality I love ALL people!!!! I am super friendly and fun and cheerful and optimistic! I wag my tail, and often my whole body, and smile a huge goofy (and very toothy!) smile when I meet you. If you didn’t know me, you might think I’m baring my teeth at you, but nothing could be further from the truth…I’m grinning with delight!! I’ve never met a person I don’t like, but…

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Adopted: Becky and Shaggy

Hi! We are Becky (white) and Shaggy (black) and we are adorable and so loving!! Quick Facts: Breed: Terrier mixes Gender: Female (Becky) /Male (Shaggy) Age: 10 years old Size: 20 pounds (Becky) /27 pounds (Shaggy) Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Unknown Kids? Yes 12+ History We are local dogs who lived with a human mom and dad and 2 other dogs for most of our life. Both our human mom and dad got terminal illnesses, one passed away and the other had to go to the hospital and will not be coming out. All 4 of us needed to find new homes, and I’m happy to say that 2 went to a wonderful couple (parents of a CDR volunteer!) and we 2 got to join the foster program at CDR and they tell us that we will find our own person or people sometime soon. We can’t wait! Personality…

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Adopted: Teddy

Quick Facts: Breed: Pomeranian (aka fuzzy teddy bear) Gender: Male, neutered Age: 10? years old Size: 11 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? Yes 11+ Hello. My name is Teddy and I’m an adorable and loyal Pomeranian! ***Teddy is not a CDR dog and has not been evaluated by CDR. This is a courtesy posting for his momma who will make all decisions about his adoptive placement. *** History I was adopted by my current family from the Cortland County SPCA in May 2020. The shelter had very little information about where I came from or why I was there so I don’t know anything about my life before then. Personality I am a funny, quirky, adorable, friendly boy! Like most Pomeranians, I am little, cute, fuzzy and friendly, and sometimes quite vocal (barky-barky)! I love my people, you can tell that I get very attached to them…

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