Adopted: Bracken

Hello! My name is Bracken and I am an adorable puppy! Quick Facts: Breed: Whippet/ Boxer Gender: Unspayed female Age: 7 months old Size: 40 pounds Good with… Dogs? Dogs? Yes Cats? Yes! Kids? Probably! History I was adopted when I was a little 12 week old pup by an awesome person I call “First Mom.” She did a great job taking care of me throughout my puppyhood, taking me everywhere with her and teaching me all kinds of great stuff. Her life has changed though–she is now both going to college and working a lot so we both moved in with her mom (I call her Gramma!) and Gramma is doing most of my care at present. Since First Mom isn’t going to have the time to take care of me well for quite a number of years to come, everyone wants to find me a great new home…

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Adopted: Howie

Hello, future family! My name is Howie. And I am such a goofy, sweet, loving friend! Quick Facts: Breed: Beagle/Basset hound mix Gender: Male, neutered Age: 4 years old Size: 27 pounds Good with… Dogs? Dogs? Yes Cats? Yes! Kids? 8+ years History I came from a crowded, rural Kentucky shelter where I was overlooked because of my shyness, which put me in danger of being euthanized. I made the trip to the safety of CDR and my foster family in early October. I still sometimes hide behind the couch or try to fit under the bed when I’m feeling shy or unsure. But once I trust you, I’m happy to come to you for love or playtime. Personality I’m super sweet! I like to come find you and lay my head on you. I put my paws up on your lap to see if maybe you’ll pet me. People generally…

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Adopted: Maggie

Hi, My name is Maggie, and I am incredibly gentle, sweet, and calm! Quick Facts: Breed: Great Pyrenees mix Gender: Female, spayed Age: 4 years old Size: 55 pounds Good with… Dogs? Dogs? Yes Cats? Yes! Kids? Calm and mature. History I was owned by some folks in rural KY who kept me outside 24/7. They never spent any time with me, I was out there by myself all the time, it was very sad. With nothing to do, I would dig holes in the dirt to entertain myself (and also to lay in when it was hot). They didn’t like me doing that, and when they took me to the local high-kill shelter to leave me forever, they told the staff that they were tired of filling in the holes I dug, so they were getting rid of me. Sad story, and I was quite scared at the shelter,…

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ADOPTED: Bozeman

Hi! My name is Bozeman, and I am the sweetest, friendliest, most chill dog around! Quick Facts: Breed: Black Lab mix Gender: Male Age: 6 years Size: 47 lbs Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? Not yet tested but probably! History I landed in a pretty rough, high-kill shelter in rural Kentucky. I was running out of time (you know, we black dogs are always the last to be picked at the shelters), and then they found out I was heartworm positive. Uh-oh. It’s a fatal disease if untreated. For dogs who have families, it’s not so bad. They go to the doctor and get treatment. But for us homeless, family-less dogs, it’s a death sentence. Most shelters don’t have the resources to treat it, so with more homeless dogs than they know what to do with, dogs with medical issues are the first to go. So, that was…

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Adopted: Jackson

Hi there! My name is Jackson and I am a super affectionate and hilarious little guy!! Quick Facts: Breed: Wheaton Terrier Mix (we think!) Gender: Male, neutered Age: 4-ish years old Size: 14 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? Yes! History: You could say I’m an international man of mystery!  It’s hard to say where I came from, but someone obviously cared for me at some point.  I was found stray in the Ithaca area at the very end of June and luckily one of the neighbors there offered to care for me until my owners could be found. They put the word out online via FB, reported me to the local SPCA, and had me checked for a microchip (there was none) but shockingly, no one ever came looking for me.  Cayuga Dog Rescue offered to take me into their foster program, and I get to keep…

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Adopted: Gemma

My name is Gemma (like “gem”) and I am one miraculously lucky and amazing pup! Quick Facts: Breed: Lab mix Gender: Female Age: 6 months Size: 30 lbs Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? 12+ years History On July 4th of this year, I was a homeless puppy in rural KY. One night, I ran across a rural road and was hit head on by a car doing 60+ miles an hour, ending up being lodged in the grille of the car that hit me (check out that crazy photo and get the whole story). Worst day of my life, right? Nope! Sort of the best day, because that is the day that I went from being a lost, starving, scared and homeless little puppy, to having all sorts of wonderful rescue people and doctors and volunteers and donors and pilots, all wanting to help me! Totally amazing! To…

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Adopted: Dusty and Pogo

Hello! We are Dusty and Pogo, the Dynamic Duo! Quick Facts: Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgis! Gender: Dusty–female; Pogo–male Age: Dusty: 6 years old; Pogo: 9 years old Size: Dusty: 30lbs; Pogo: 24 poundslbs Good with… Dogs: Yes! Cats: Yes! Kids: Yes, 12+ History and Why We Need a New Home We have had a great life. Our original owner was lovely and took great care of us. We got lots of treats and lots of walks. She loved and spoiled us, though was not *too good* at training (she was too nice and not very firm–tee-hee, we got away with a lot!). In March, she fell and broke her hip and was no longer able to take care of us. Luckily, her son came and got us and took us to his home in Ithaca, where we have been ever since. We hadn’t been on long car rides before, but…

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Adopted: Shaggy

Hi, my name is Shaggy and I am a very sweet, loving, and exuberantly happy boy! Quick Fact Sheet: Breed: Rottweiler mix Gender: Male, neutered Age: 10 (but I seem 3!) Size: 65-70 pounds Good with… Dogs?Females, yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? Yes! History: I landed in a scary shelter at age 3, and I don’t remember my life before then, so can’t tell you anything about that. That was 7 years ago. Luckily I was adopted by an awesome mom, and I have lived so happily with her and her female dog since (that dog passed away a while ago). Mom loves me to pieces and wishes she could keep me forever, but she had to move from NC to NY suddenly to provide long-term care for an ill relative, and I’m not allowed to stay there. It’s very sad. I had to be kept in the garage for a…

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Adopted: Doodle

Hi!  My name is Doodle (“Doodlebug,” “Doodle-doo” “Super Doodle”) and I am the sweetest little guy around! Quick Facts: Breed: Purebred Min Pin Gender: Male, neutered Age: 10+ years old Size: 8 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes, see below Kids? 8+ years old History Crazy story! My friend (another Min Pin) and I landed in a crowded shelter in California. We’re both awesome pooches, but since we were both older dogs, the shelter was going to euthanize us (they were extremely overcrowded). But miracle of miracles, one of the shelter donors happened to love Min Pins and thought we were awesome, and after extensive searching found out that there was a Min Pin fanatic at a shelter in KY, and arranged to fly us out to that shelter where we would have a chance at finding rescue or an adopter!! We were there for a little while (we…

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Adopted: Pupper

Pupper is sponsored by Betsy Hutchings Hi! My name is Pupper and I am the sweetest, most easygoing, and loving dog you might ever meet! Quick Fact Sheet: Age: 4-5 years old Breed: Black Lab mix Size: 65 pounds Gender: Male, neutered Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes! Kids? Yes! History: I was found as a stray when I was about 2 years old. When the nice lady who found me couldn’t find my owners, she offered to take care of me! She was very good to me, and I got along beautifully with her, her other dog, and the 6 year old girl in the house. I kept getting these terrible skin and ear infections though, and after 2 years of her veterinarians being unable to get me well, she ran out of money for my care. I was in rough shape. The infections were so out of control,…

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