Here are the lucky pups who’ve found their forever families!

Adopted: Ben

Adopted: Balu

Adopted: Groot

Adopted: Charlie

Adopted: Monkey

Adopted: Cooper

Adopted: Goose

Adopted: Baba Voss

Adopted: Buddy

Here are the lucky pups who’ve found their forever families!
Hi! My name is Pearl. I am pretty much the most adorable, incredible, sweet and loving little dog you’ll meet! Quick Facts: Age: 1 year old Breed: Chihuahua mix Size: 12 pounds Gender: Female Just had 3 puppies (1 boy and 2 girls!) on 2/6/15!! Baby #1-boy-tan fat boy with a stubby tail Baby #2-girl- black & white long tail Baby #3-girl- white with a few tan spots like her mama, long tail Loves to SMILE!! check out photo #3!! She is being an amazing momma, taking such gorgeous care of her 3 babies and making us love her even more than we thought possible. She will be ready to go to her new home once her puppies are weaned, at around 7-8 weeks old! Taking applications now! Also her 3 puppies will be looking for great homes! Pearl is great with small dogs and cats! Untested with larger dogs……
Hi! My name is Bees (as in “cute as the bees knees!”) and I am a sweet, playful, and affectionate girl! Quick Facts: Breed: Border Collie/Black Lab mix Gender: Female, spayed Age: 2 year old Size: 50 pounds Good with… Dogs: Yes! Cats: Dog savvy, dog friendly cats–YES! Kids: 12+ years History: I’m absolutely the most affectionate, SWEET, and loyal dog you can imagine, once I get to know you. I was found abandoned up in Watkins Glen and the wonderful folks at Farm Sanctuary took care of me before I was transferred to the CDR program. Whatever my past early experience was, it has left me with some fear of strangers but has also given me the ability to love and bond strongly with the people whom I get to know and trust. Personality: About my adorable personality! I am young and therefore very, very playful with other dogs!…
Hi! My name is Smooch, and I am an utterly adorable, sweet, loving, and fun little guy! Quick Facts: Age: 6 years old Breed: West Highland White Terrier (Westie) Size: about 21 pounds (I’ve lost a couple and could lose a couple more pounds) Gender: Male, Neutered Good with dogs? Yes Good with cats? Unknown Good with children? I prefer adults please! Special Notes: I am recovering from two ACL knee surgeries (done at Colonial Vet Clinic in Ithaca) and am doing really well!! Background: I was raised from puppyhood by a lovely lady in her 90s who took good care of me. I lived in a ranch house with a fenced yard and two other small terriers with whom I loved to play. She had me for 5 years, but as her health began to fail she knew she needed to find me a new home, and with the…
Hi! My name is Cooper, and I am a very sweet, affectionate, 1 1/2 year old, neutered male Great Pyrenees mix! Quick Fact Sheet: Age: 1 1/2 years old Breed: Great Pyrenees mix Gender: Male, neutered Size: about 70 pounds but needs to put on some weight Good with dogs: Yes! Good with cats? No! Barks and growls at them, not a good sign… Good with kids? Yes! Background: I come all the way from KY, where I was originally in a high-kill, very crowded shelter, and it’s a pretty amazing thing that I am alive right now. The shelter needed to make some space, so called their veterinarian to come and put to sleep those of us who had been there for a little while, but when the vet met me, she just couldn’t do it. I was too sweet, she thought, and far too friendly. So she called…
Hi guys!! My name is Grover. I am a super happy, excited, curious, playful, friendly puppy looking for a home with people with big hearts!! I may only have three legs, but I am !SUPER GROVER! and am not letting it slow me down one bit! Let’s play! Quick Fact Sheet: Age: 9-10 months old Breed: Great Pyrenees mix Size: 45 pounds (tiny for a Great Pyr mix, but probably still growing some!) Good with dogs: Yeppers! Good with cats? Yeppers! Good with kids? Older kids, 8 years or older! Medical notes: Grover was hit by a car a few months ago and suffered severe nerve damage in his leg, necessitating the leg amputation. Seems like it was the right decision, because Grover couldn’t be happier and more mobile! He is a hilarious pup and a true lover! Personality: Hi! My name is Grover!! I love to hike, play, and…