
Quick Facts: Breed: German Shepherd (Sable) Gender: Male, neutered Age: 4 years old Size: 75 pounds Good with… Dogs? Not so much, see Cohabitation/My Ideal Home section below! Cats? Sorry, nope! Kids? Not little ones, too stressful for me! Hi there! My name is Cooper Pupp, and I am an energetic, playful, and loving goofball who loves running and playing! History I made my journey from Mount Elgin, Ontario, to the Finger Lakes in December 2020 and have been with my family ever since. I came from Narnia Kennels and am Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) certified. My parents trained me themselves, and I picked up commands quickly. I have an extremely high ball-drive, and playing fetch is my absolute favorite activity! With my family, I am loving, affectionate, and always ready to play. I thrive on regular good exercise and mental stimulation. Without it, I find it hard to relax.…

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Adopted: Zoe – GSD

Quick Facts: Breed: German Shepherd mix Gender: Female Age: 8 months old Size: 50+ pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! (see Cohabitation) Cats? Yes! (see Cohabitation) Kids? Yes! (see Cohabitation) Hello!! My name is Zoe. I am smart, playful, and ready for adventure!! History In mid-March I started being fostered by a professional dog trainer with rescue experience who wanted to help me! She had heard that my then-family, who loved me and were very kind, were too busy with their 4 teenage kids to provide any of the training and daily activity that I need. Plus, the hustle and bustle of their home was just too overstimulating for a young pup like me! They didn’t know what they were going to do and didn’t want to surrender me to a shelter, so thank goodness that a local dog professional stepped up and said she would let me live with her…

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Adopted: Joey

  Quick Facts: Breed: German Shepherd mix Gender: Female, spayed Age: 8 years young Size: 60 pounds Good with… Dogs? From a distance! Cats? YES! YES! Kids? Yes! 15+ Hello! My name is Joey and I am the best cuddler and most loyal companion you will ever find! History I was lucky to be rescued at one year-old by my current owner. I had been abandoned at the local SPCA and was unsure what would happen to me, and then this nice elderly lady came and brought me home! We’ve been together for seven years now, and it has been soooo nice! I kept her warm at night by sleeping in bed with her when she needed me, I have chased the pesky squirrels out of the yard (she never asked me to do this, but I could tell she wanted me to), and I let her know when anyone…

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Adopted: Lulu

Hi, my name is Lulu and I am a complete sweetheart! Quick Facts: Breed: German Shepherd Dog Gender: Female, spayed Age: 9 year old Size: 60 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Unsure Kids? 12+ ***Lulu is not a CDR dog and has not been evaluated by CDR.*** History My former owner was an older man who lived alone and had become unwell. He did the best he could, but I ended up quite neglected for the past 3 years. For much of my life I lived with a male German Shepherd dog and loved playing with him. We also used to take lots of walks in the woods, which I love! This was a very quiet household with 1 person and 1 other dog. Occasionally my owner’s daughter would come to visit (and I loved her!!!) but overall it was not a very social environment. I have been living…

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Adopted: Henry

My name is Henry and I am a goofy, lovable, affectionate, friendly, and very smart puppy! Quick Facts: Breed: German Shepherd Gender: Male, neutered Age: 10 months old Size: 65 pounds Good with… Dogs? Yes! Cats? Yes Kids? Yes! 8+ Henry is not a CDR dog. This is a courtesy posting for Henry’s current owners, who will make all decisions about his adoption. To apply to adopt Henry, fill out an online application and we will forward it to his current owner. History Before living here I lived with another family who had five kids! My littermate still lives with them and is learning to be a service dog! My current mom needed a service dog, too, so I came to live with her here and have been training to be her service dog which has been pretty fun! Personality I’m told that I have a ridiculously awesome personality. That…

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