
We have very sad news. Our longest resident foster dog, Lily, who came to us in 2011, passed away last Friday from hemangiosarcoma, in the arms of her foster mom and dad, and with foster siblings Sammy and Elfie at her side. Lily was a good, good, good girl. Rescued from a high-kill shelter in KY, she joined the CDR foster care program when she was just 4 months old. She arrived to us with one of her ears half cut-off and with a fractured pelvis. And a fear of children of a certain height, and short, heavyset blonde women. Clearly, she had suffered something traumatic in her first months. But such a spirit she had! A pup who was more filled with love and humor, good nature and joy, you could not have found! Lily was all about fun-fun-fun, and kisses-kisses-kisses. 😊 But that pelvis fracture that she arrived…

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