Quick Facts:
- Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier
- Gender: Male, neutered
- Age: 2 years old
- Size: 60 pounds
- Good with…
- Dogs? Yes!
- Cats? Some cats!
- Kids? Yes! 13+
Hello! My name is Bruce and I am a sweet and loving boy who loves to relax in the sun!
I was adopted from a foster home in Texas and brought to New York in July 2022 to live with my current family. I had been with my foster mom in Texas for ~2 months and before that I had lived in a shelter. My early life is unclear, but it’s left me with some anxieties that make it hard for me to live with young rambunctious kids. I’m extremely sweet and loving and my family loves me deeply, but I think I will thrive more in a house without very small kids.
I am 90% a cuddly couch potato! I love to cuddle with my mom on the couch while she works; sometimes I even try to get into her lap in between her and her computer. I love affection and attention and will even get in your lap for cuddles! Sometimes I sleep on my back with all my feet in the air, snoring. If you let me, I would sleep in your bed right next to you snoring away! I can both be a very tiny little lap dog and fit onto a small chair or I can stretch ultra long and sploot onto the floor to soak in the sun. I am always there to clean up as my family eats so you will not need a vacuum! My favorite place is the couch – I will follow you around especially if I hear a noise outside I need to tell you about, but otherwise back to the couch for me.
I also like to play and have a burst of energy usually in the morning when I’m excited for the day – I love tug, to go for a walk, or to go out to the yard and run around with my family. I am very silly and love to hop around in the snow! I love to do decompressing things like sniffing in the yard or finding treats from my kong toy. I LOVE chew toys and bones – I’ve torn apart my share of stuffed animals!
Right now I go to doggy daycare around 2 times per week. This gets all my energy out as I love to play with other dogs! I’m very excited to go and see my friends there :)
I am very good at learning new things – it probably helps that I LOVE treats and am so food motivated! I know “sit”, “lay down,” “touch,” “go potty,” “stay” (mostly), “off,” “too much,” “look,” and “yes” for when I’ve done something good. I also know my name and come when called. If it’s to go out in the cold I sometimes need to be lured with treats. I like to ride in the car, but don’t like to be left alone in the car. I am very good when going to the vet and always get a gold star! I think it’s because they give me treats. I am mostly good on walks but can sometimes pull a bit when I’m very excited or if it’s out of my routine.
I’ve come a long way in my training and am becoming more comfortable with separation. When I first came to my family, I didn’t want to be in the yard alone at all. Now I will go out and have a “sniffari” by myself before asking to come back in. I have worked on crate training but my parents have found that I’m happiest if they leave me loose in the house when they go out. I feel most comfortable settling on the couch. Sometimes I go in my exercise pen when my parents need me out of the way and I’m happy there as long as people are around. My mom leaves me alone for about 3 hours at a time but with more training (and maybe a doggy door?) I could be left alone longer. But don’t leave food out in a place I can easily get it because I will get into it!
There are a few things that make me anxious – people with walkers or strollers and when strangers come up to me to try and pet me over head. I’m working on becoming more comfortable in these situations by getting treats on walks.
When I first came to my family I was not fully potty trained. Now I am fully trained but have the very occasional accident – this happens if I’m off of my normal schedule or too excited or anxious. I’ll typically go to the back door to let you know I want to go out. And I’ll paw to let you know I want back in.
I love my family and am very sweet, but if strangers on the street try to pet me overhead or stare at me I may bark at them. I am happy to meet new people but it just takes a little introduction where they give me some treats! When I meet new people in my house I get very excited and need to check them out and will sometimes jump on them. But I know “off” and “touch” and will try my best to listen to my mom.
No kids under 13 please. I need folks who can read my body language, not pet me unless I initiate it, and don’t hug me or chase me. I live with a 6 and 3 year old now and they do a good job of giving me space and I’m comfortable with them, but it’s hard to meet new kids because they can be unpredictable to me!
I LOVE other dogs. I get along really well with most dogs and love to play with them. I think I’d do well in a house with another dog who can show me the ropes.
I’ve lived with a cat before and currently interact with a cat downstairs but if the cat runs I may chase!
Favorite Activities
- Snuggling on the couch – I think I am a lap dog!
- Daytime naps in the sun
- Playing tug
- I love low stress walks where I don’t run into crowds or people
- Running around a fenced yard
- Playing fetch
- Sniffing around the yard
- Eating apples or watermelon!
- Learning new tricks
- Eating treats! I’m very food motivated
Why I am looking for a new home
My parents have two very young kids who want to have friends over and it’s hard to meet new kids. I’m looking for a home that has no kids or older kids so that I can have less stress and I can thrive more! I also have some separation anxiety that I am working on. It’s gotten a ton better, but I’d do well in a house that does not leave me alone for very long periods of time.
I am in great health! I take my fluoexetine (doggy prozac) every day to help with my anxiety. Last summer I had to have surgery in Texas with my foster mom after eating a corn cob, but recovered beautifully. I’m up on all of my vaccines and am very well taken care of.
I am a loving, silly, affectionate couch potato looking for my forever home. An ideal place for me would be a home with adults and even other dogs to show me the ropes! I would love a home with a fenced yard so that I can do my sniffing adventures. And it would be ideal if my parents either worked from home or had me in daycare so that I’m not alone all day.
If you are interested in adopting me, please fill out an online adoption application and live within two hours of Ithaca. We do home visits on every applicant, and can’t do home visits where we don’t have local volunteers.