Quick Facts:
- Breed: Husky/Border Collie mix
- Gender: Female, spayed
- Age: 2 years old
- Size: 60 pounds
- Good with…
- Dogs? Not in my home, sorry!
- Cats? Nope, sorry!
- Kids? Yes! (6+ if they respect my space!)
Hi there! My name is Iris and I am incredibly loving, loyal, smart and gorgeous!!
***Iris is not a CDR dog and has not been evaluated by CDR.***
Iris has been returned to Fetch a Friend Rescue in Seneca Falls visit them to see if she is still available and apply with them.
I was adopted in August of 2020 by the most wonderful mom. The kind folks at Fetch a Friend Rescue in Seneca Falls brought me up from Tennessee and watched over me while I waited for my forever home. I had a couple previous owners before my mom, but they didn’t read my full bio and when they brought me home, they couldn’t take care of me, so I went back to the shelter until my mom got me.
My mom is super active with me; she takes me for walks, runs, and even does nosework training with me!! Earlier this year my mom brought home a little dog sister for me! I wasn’t sure what to make of her at first, but then we became best buddies and would play together and run around all over the house while I taught her how to be a good girl. But then I got injured and since then I have not been ok with her even though she had nothing to do with my injury. Everything has changed between us, and though my mom has been doing all the things that the Cornell behaviorist recommended, things are not getting better. In order for my sister to be safe and for me to have less stress, I am looking for a new home where I can be the only dog (or possibly share it with a male dog).
I am a super smart girl!! My mom teaches me new tricks on rainy days when we’re stuck inside and I learn them really fast. Especially if she has yummy treats! My mom has taught me all kinds of commands like sit, down, stay, up, high five, paw, between, through, sit left, speak, hush, circle, crate, and wait. That’s a lot, right?! We also do nosework together because I LOVE to sniff, so she puts my brain and sniffer to good use. I’m super food motivated, so I am easy to teach!
I can be pretty affectionate in the way that husky dogs are. I like to lean up against my mom and her friends while they pet me-it’s my way of trying to hug humans. I like the occasional cuddle on the couch, and I am happy to be petted pretty much always. Sometimes I want some “me time,” and so I’ll put myself in my crate and have a quiet rest. When I’m tired or stressed out, I’ll also go to my crate. It’s my safe space and my personal retreat space! Sometimes I’ll spend the night in my crate and other times I will climb up on the couch and pass out there.
Like other young huskies, I have a lot of energy! In the morning I like to go in and tell my mom that it’s time to wake up and take me for a walk. Then after my morning exercise, mom gives me breakfast! I am a really good eater; I’m not picky about my kibble. After breakfast, I settle into my crate so mom can go to work. When she comes home, she takes me for another walk! I’m a really good doggy when I’m exercised 2-3 times a day; my mom says a tired dog is a good dog-ha! I like to sit in the kitchen and watch mom make dinner, just in case she drops some scraps, but I sit patiently-no jumping up or onto counters for me! Sometimes after dinner, I’ll pick out a toy from my basket and take it over to my mom for her to throw and for me to chase, but if mom is busy or tired, I’m also happy to chew on a treat or settle in for the night.
Some other fun facts about me: I am super soft and don’t get too smelly, haha! I am SUPER loyal once you earn my respect. I can be slow to warm up to new people, but once I get to know them and I am comfortable with them, I am their best friend ever. I have never once destroyed or chewed on anything I wasn’t supposed to. I am also VERY well house trained; I take pride in my record of having never had an accident in the house. I LOVE walks, but also love wildlife so like pretty much all husky dogs, I cannot ever be off-leash (unless in a securely fenced yard). Mom has helped me get better about ignoring squirrels and chipmunks with positive reinforcement training, but if a deer crosses our path, you better hang on tight! And though I really like people when I know them, the vet scares me and the groomer scares me, so I appreciate love, support, and treats if I need to see either.
I like routines and consistency in my life. Because I’m so smart I learn routines pretty quickly; when mom gets in the shower, I go right into my crate because I know after her shower that she will go out for a little while. I like my crate just fine—I’m quiet and calm in it. When mom gets home and lets me out of my crate, I go right to the door so she can let me outside to potty. Then, when I come back in, I look for lots of love, ear scratches, and belly rubs!
I really like people once I have had a chance to get to know them, but it takes me a bit to achieve that comfort level. I really like respectful people who will pay attention to me and pet me when I ask for it, but who will respect my space if I don’t.
I have met a few kids at friends’ houses and I have been very sweet to them, but they were well behaved and didn’t pull my tail, chase me, or crowd me. I would probably be fine in a house with kids old enough to respect my space and who weren’t looking for a snuggle buddy. I like being petted, but I don’t want anyone curled up all over me or hanging onto me!
I think it is best if I could be the only dog in your home. It’s not that I don’t like dogs—I do have some doggy friends and we get along just fine during short visits, but given my change of attitude and behavior toward my current doggy sister, we think I will feel happiest and most relaxed as an only dog.
When I interact with other dogs, I prefer it to be 1-1 play. I used to go to the dog park, but I got into a few fights when other dogs ignored my growling (letting them know that I didn’t like what they were doing). No more dog parks for me, it’s too overwhelming and it’s too risky. I am OK if we pass by a dog when I am walking on leash as long as their owner is responsible and doesn’t let the dog get all in my face. If you distract me with treats, I’m happy to walk on by and leave the other dog alone!
No cats for me, sorry!
Favorite Activities
- Going for walks!
- Hiking!
- Nose work!
- Running!
- Belly Rubs!
Why I am looking for a new home
In October I had a traumatic accident that required hospitalization (see below in the medical section) and when I came home from the hospital, I couldn’t tolerate sharing the house with my doggy sister anymore. I growl at her and launch an attack at her every chance I get, which stresses my mom out and traumatizes my sister. My mom tried separating us with baby gates and working to counter-condition me to like her presence per the Cornell behaviorist, but it hasn’t worked. It’s not tenable for us to keep living together, so I’m ready to find a new home.
In early October, mom let me romp around off leash in the woods. When I came back to her, I was pretty badly hurt. I was rushed to Cornell, where I had two surgeries after a log penetrated my abdomen and severed my colon. The surgeries went well and my incisions healed really well. Miraculously, I have no long-term physical issues from the traumatic event—Cornell gave me a clean bill of health after a few post-op check-ups. In all other ways, I am a super healthy girl, am up to date on vaccines and get preventive heartworm and flea/tick medicine.
I will be sad to leave my mom, but happy to be the only dog in my new home. I would LOVE if my new home had fenced land where I could run and/or a person who wants to take me on leashed runs or leashed hikes! I hope I can find a loving new home where I get lots of exercise and mental stimulation, and in return you will get a super smart, loving, and loyal companion who will give you lots of love!
Iris has been returned to Fetch a Friend Rescue in Seneca Falls visit them to see if she is still available and apply with them.